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Staff Profile – Tom Scrape

Get to know CUSI’s own Tom Scrape of Software Development in our latest Staff Profile!

tom scrapeWhat is your job title at CUSI? Software Developer

Summarize your responsibilities at CUSI. I work on new product developments across the full stack using technologies not previously seen in CUSI products. I am responsible for the maintenance of existing products and providing support with higher tier issues.

What is your educational background? B.S. in Computer Science, Math Minor

What is your favorite part about your job at CUSI? I enjoy the team atmosphere. There is no need to be a Lone Ranger. We have plenty of other people, even in other departments, who are always ready and willing to help.

How do you create value for our customers at CUSI? I worked in Technical Support for over a year and this experience has let me see how clients really use the software. Knowing this allows me to better meet their needs in any role at CUSI. Additionally, I tend to be a “systems thinker”, which is to say that I seek to understand both the overall system itself and the individual components.

What are your favorite hobbies you enjoy outside of work? I enjoy reading, gardening, welding and playing with my 3 little girls.

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