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Technical Support Blog: What is a Dashboard?

Hello! Neil from CUSI Support here!

We have 2 standing goals in Support:

1. Provide technical support for you, our CUSI client.
2. Always try to improve #1!

Our latest effort in improving the level of support we provide, and the one we are currently most excited about, is our “Support Dashboard”. Our Director of Development, Derek Johnson, and Support’s own Tom Scrape have recently conjured this amazing rectangle of glorious data from thin air! A large monitor now displays the dashboard in our office, visible to the entire Support desk at all times.

Take a look at a screenshot of our dashboard, and below I will discuss what, exactly, we are seeing.

ums dashboard

dashboard defined


As you can see from definition #2 above, we use our dashboard to keep out mud. Just kidding. While definition #1 is not entirely spot-on, either; it is much closer. A dashboard, in technology terms, serves the same purpose as the one found in a car: A cluster of real-time information that is vital to the operation at-hand.

Let’s translate that into reality! On the Support desk, we need to know how well we are serving you, our client, in order to improve. Knowing how well we did yesterday and last year is great, but knowing how well we are doing right now is phenomenal. Enter: The dashboard!

The dashboard tells us key metrics, in real time, such as:

What is our current “Average Response Time”? 33 Minutes(at the time of the screenshot)
What is our current “[Maximum] Wait Time”? 41 Minutes
How many “Active Tickets” do we currently have? 35 Tickets
Number of Support requests today with response time…
     Under 30 Minutes? 20
     Under 60 Minutes? 23
     Over 60 Minutes? 7

The bottom line is: Our new Support Dashboard, and the information it delivers, keeps us focused on providing you with the highest level of support possible.

But wait, there’s more! Our next project is to make the “Wait Time” tile (bottom center) accessible to you, via our Client Services portal on Stay tuned; we will let you know when this goes live!

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