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Meet Charli Jo Ledgerwood

Get to know CUSI’s own Charli Jo Ledgerwood of Western Region Sales in our latest Staff Profile!

charli jo ledgerwoodWhat is your job title at CUSI? Director of Midwest Sales

Summarize your responsibilities at CUSI. I am responsible for sales to small and mid-sized utilities for Missouri, Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio and Kentucky.

What is your job experience? My former positions as City Clerk, Administrative Assistant to the Mayor, Water District Manager and Water/Wastewater Operators allows me to identify with our customers. I have served since the late 90’s at the pleasure of four Missouri Governors on the nine member Missouri Safe Drinking Water Commission, and when I was actively involved in the utility industry I served also served on the Board of Directors of the Missouri Rural Water Association.

What is your favorite part about your job at CUSI? I love getting acquainted with new people and visiting the different areas in my sales territory. It is gratifying to provide software which will help people do their job easier with better results, and I particularly enjoy staying connected with our customers through our CUSI User Group meetings and customer visits.

How do you create value for our customers at CUSI? Staff members in utility offices have lots of demanding duties, and more often than not they have more than a full work load. Our easy to use software, integrated payment solutions and improved reporting can drastically streamline day to day operations, freeing up those folks to concentrate on other parts of their jobs. We work with selected Business Partners whose products work with ours to provide solutions tailored to fit the needs of each client.

What are your favorite hobbies you enjoy outside of work? I love cooking, entertaining and spending time with my wonderful family and friends, not to mention spoiling my four grandchildren and my dog! I’m on Table Rock Lake whenever possible, and my husband and I enjoy exploring flea markets to add to numerous collections. I especially love decorating my home for Christmas. I played piano and organ at church for over 30 years and recently bought a violin, but I’m on a slow learning curve! I also try to cheer the St. Louis Cardinals to victory whenever possible.

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